Just today, the events of the past meet those that will happen in the future… – says the preface of this book. But it happens not only today, but every day! – we might object. Only, apparently, they don’t always meet in the right place – in the head and imagination of a creative, talented person. Otherwise, it remains undescribed, unillustrated.
There are twenty-three stories in this collection, and the events are more than strange. But the things and creatures that live in them, which we see almost every day, are especially surprising. However, Kęstutis Kasparavičius sees everything differently and his Bear is an artist, Piglet becomes an opera soloist, Hedgehog does not tell left from right, ivy decorates itself with gingerbread…
This picture book is about something that never happened and probably won’t happen, but… it was really worth it to describe and to illustrate!
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