Mempo Giardinelli

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About Geia-Libris

Geia-Libris Publishing House was created in 1991. More than 1,500 publications have been released on the market so far. Major areas include fiction, dramaturgy and essays. Authors from Europe, Asia, Latin America. Book series for children and adolescents. Classical and modern Bulgarian literature. A series of publications on musical art. A wide variety of scientific and popular science publications on nature exploration and preservation, medicine, leisure, plant and flower growing, field guides. Textbooks and teaching aids.

Over 28 years of publishing

More than 3000 publications



A small novel for a big timelessness.

A small novel for a big timelessness.

A small novel for a big timelessness. A Bulgarian-version Kafkian story in an end-of-the-century Eastern European context. The characters do not strive after a phantasmal castle, but vegetate in an indescribable institution, paralyzed by fatuity and produce…

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Tiltle 3

Tiltle 3

Aenean vehicula laoreet neque, eget lobortis velit tempus in. Maecenas suscipit leo at purus eleifend molestie.

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Tiltle 2

Tiltle 2

Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas sit amet pretium magna. Uis sit amet imperdiet risus. Maecenas viverra molestie augue

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Tiltle 1

Tiltle 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eros elit, iaculis sit amet est sed, lacinia tempus tellus.

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